Local news in the Caribbean region of Colombia, “Opinion Caribe,” have highlighted the recent webinars of the STOREM project focused on the case study in Colombia: Sustainable Tourism Planning in post-conflict contexts: the case of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
Part 1 of the webinar series, on April 9th 2021, had the objective to discuss alliances between organizations of civil society and communities for sustainable development: The challenges of shared planning. Parte 2, on April 30th 2021, focused on: Stakeholders Involvement Methodologies for Local Sustainable Development, STOREM collaboration and contribution to society at large.
The general objective of the SNSM-STP is to promote the reduction of poverty in rural communities and the sustainable development of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, through inclusive territorial management in a post-conflict context and threats of climate change, and has identified direct beneficiaries in 900 vulnerable and indigenous rural youth in PDET and ZOMAC areas of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. The consortium is made up of the National Coffee Growers Federation, the Magdalena Business Association, the Sergio Arboleda University and the Planning and Development Unit.
The case study preliminary report is available at the following link:
Here follows the news from Opinión Caribe:
Professor of the U. Sergio Arboleda highlighted in international webinar
Claudia Mejía Mojica, professor at the School of Communication, Journalism and Psychology of the Sergio Arboleda University, Santa Marta, and member of the research group “Communication and Society”, participated in the international academic scene with the research project with an impact on the local development of the coffee community of San Javier, a municipality located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia.
The Professor represented the Sergio Arboleda University and the Institution’s research seed group, within the framework of the Webinar “Stakeholders’ Involvement Methodologies for local sustainable development, storem collaboration and contribution to society at large” organized by the University for International Cooperation – ICU.
The research with which Dr. Claudia Mejía participated, in alliance with the GECCO Group of the International School of Administration and Marketing of the University Sergio Arboleda, is called “Communication strategy for the construction and positioning of the territorial brand San Javier as a destination tourism and multi – productive in the context of the post-conflict ”, and seeks to propose a communication strategy for the construction and positioning of the territorial brand, and thus contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of this Magdalena region.
“[…] This space brings great benefits for communities such as San Javier, since it offers the possibility of making the project results visible, building supportive relationships with researchers from other countries, articulating collective actions for the benefit of the intervened communities, through construction of the brand and tourism for the sustainability of social development ”, affirmed teacher Claudia Mejía Mojica.
The event was presented within the framework of the activities of the STOREM project, funded by the European Commission, led by the University of Cagliari (Italy).
The international webinar brought together the research network of the Planning and Development Unit attached to EuropeAid; the European Commission made up of NGOs, and other academic institutions in Europe that, in alliance with universities and entities in Latin America, work jointly to obtain funds that contribute to the sustainable development of vulnerable territories in the region.
This house of studies is proud of its faculty, who with their participation in international academic and research settings contribute to the educational processes of young professionals in the Region.
Opinión Caribe: