Chorotega Regional Campus
Mesoamerican Center of Development (CEMEDE)
Alfonso Lara Quesada: alfonso.lara.quesada@una.ac.cr
Laura Obando Viillegas: laura.obando.villegas@una.cr
Juan Carlos Picón Cruz: juan.picon.cruz@una.cr
Universidad Nacional (COSTA RICA)
The Nacional University (UNA) of Costa Rica is a public Higher Education Institution established in 1973. Operating from the Chorotega Regional Campus, UNA’s Mesoamerican Center of Development (CEMEDE) is an interdisciplinary academic unit that articulates programs, projects and activities aimed at developing solutions to the economic, social, political and cultural issues in the region of Mesoamerica. As part of the STOREM Project, UNA is developing a new Master’s program in Sustainable Tourism, along with new curricula and the related teaching environment. Promotional campaigns for the new program will encourage student enrollment and promote the involvement of local enterprises in the tourism sector.